Sunday, 14 July 2013

How to Pick Crown Molding for a Kitchen

Crown molding can really add that finishing touch to a room and make it feel more stylish. If you install crown molding in the kitchen there are issue specific to that room. Usually the kitchen has different dimensions and appliances, which necessitate that a person pick crown molding for a kitchen with these issues in mind.



    Decide the type of crown molding you want to pick for the kitchen. There are many types of crown molding, such as Ogee, Rosevine and Dentil. The type of crown molding you pick will depend on the style of the house and the how the crown molding conforms to your kitchen.


    Choose the crown molding material for the kitchen. The crown molding material options breakdown into two categories--wood or composite crown molding. The wood crown molding looks better but costs more and does not last as long as the composite crown molding. The most expensive type of wood molding is the hardwoods such as oak.


    Determine if you are going to install the crown molding on the edges of the kitchen cabinets or if are you are going to use the traditional method and attach the crown molding around the kitchen where the walls and ceiling meet. If you choose to install the crown molding on the cabinets is more important to pick crown molding for the kitchen that closely matches the cabinets.


    Select the width of the crown molding. Choosing crown molding that is too wide can throw off the balance of the kitchen. Crown molding that is big and gaudy will draw attention to itself and away from the rest of the room.


    Make sure the crown molding matches the trim in the kitchen. If the crown molding is significantly different from the trim in the kitchen, the room will not look right.

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