Wednesday, 10 July 2013

How to Use Carpet Shampooer

How to Use Carpet Shampooer

One of the disadvantages to having carpet in your home, as opposed to other types of floor coverings, is the difficulty in cleaning it. Vacuuming lifts surface dirt, but the only way to get a carpet really clean is with a carpet shampooer that shoots a hot shampoo and water solution deep into the carpet and then extracts it along with the dirt. There are professional carpet cleaning services that will clean your carpet, but you can also do it yourself by renting a carpet shampooer.



    Thoroughly vacuum the carpet. Spray any discolored areas or ground in stains with the pre-shampoo treatment.


    Fill your bucket with hot water and pour it into the machine according to the shampooer's instructions. On some models, you'll have to remove the container that catches the used water in order to get to fill it up. Add the recommended amount of carpet shampoo.


    Position the machine at the farthest corner of the room. Standing behind it, turn it on. The shampooer may vibrate strongly as the brush at the front of the cleaning mechanism moves.


    Press the button or trigger that controls the flow of shampoo solution and begin slowly pulling the machine backward across the carpet. As you pull, lift up a little on the handle, so the brush really gets down into the carpet. You should quickly see dirty, used shampoo-water being expelled from the cleaning mechanism and into the capture reservoir. When that water flow starts to disappear even as you're holding the trigger, it means it's probably time for a refill. (On some models you will be able to see into the clean-water well enough to judge when you need new water.)


    Do the entire carpet pulling the machine backward, slowly. For badly stained areas, go over them repeatedly and slowly. Allow the carpet to dry overnight before walking on it.

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